新品\rBeachbody_DVD5本+バンド1本セット_新品_アメリカ通販サイトで購入\r運動、食事献立、管理用カレンダーなどの構成です。\r\r=\rWhat You Get with Slim in 6:3 Easy to Follow Fat-Burning Workouts\rGet Slim in 3 Easy Steps:\r\rStep 1: Start It Up! – Start melting fat and slimming down with this 30-minute, moderate intensity workout.\rStep 2: Ramp it Up! – Turn up the calorie burn with moves that target your hips, thighs, and abs in about 45 minutes a day.\rStep 3: Burn it Up! – Reveal your new slim, toned body with Debbie’s advanced workout that takes less than an hour.\r\rWorkout Calendar\rChart your progress with each workout and watch the pounds melt away.\r\rWeight Loss Eating Plan\r\rTools to Help you Succeed\r6-Day Express Plan – Jump-start your results and lose up to 6 pounds and 6 inches in your first 6 days – the healthy way!\rSimple Steps to Success! – Debbie guides you through your transformation step by step.\rSlim & 6-Pack – This 10-minute workout targets ab flab for a tight, toned midsection and strong core.